Tag Archives: cows and plows

Treaty 6 Cows and Plows – April 5, 2024

The Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB), has had a “a formal offer of settlement from Canada and is now working on a final settlement agreement with Canada.” The update was posted by Chief Tammy Cook-Searson on her Facebook page on April 5, 2024. You can see the update by following the link.

This is an exciting time for many band members. They are many who are thankful for the news and are grateful that the announcement has finally arrived. It has been anticipated for years.

The post by Tammy has been shared, 230 times as of this writing. On some of the shared posts by members, there are questions on how the funds will be distributed and how the Settlement Planning Committee (SPC), will include all members of the band, including the minors. Below is a table of dates, locations and times:

Some people are concerned about the time and location of the meetings because there are members who will be working during the meetings. There members that live out of the province of Saskatchewan, and want to know how they can get the information that will be presented during the meetings. These are concerns that will have to be dealt with at some point.

I will be following the posts from LLRIB C & C closely, as they are the people that are the most up to date on the matter. I usually receive the updated info within the hour of the Facebook posts on my email. At which point I update the LLRIB.COM website. I am informed no more, and no less than everybody else.

LLRIB.COM: Update on LLRIB Treaty 6 Agricultural Benefits Claim (Cows and Plows) – April 5, 2024

larongeNow – https://larongenow.com/2024/04/05/llrib-receives-offer-of-settlement-for-cows-and-plows-claim/

Numbered Treaties Map (banner) – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Numbered-Treaties-Map.svg

Cow and Plow images from – https://pixabay.com/  (Stunning royalty-free images & royalty-free stock) 


When will I get my Cows and Plows Money (Treaty 6)

As of this date, there is no real update to the Cows and Plows payments. At the bottom of this page, I updated a couple of links. I will be sure to post any updates to the situation as soon as I am informed.
(Sept 30, 2023, CV)

When are we going to get our Cows and Plows money? That is the question, asked by many people in the Treaty 6 territory. It is a good question, one that I ask myself all the time.

Ever since I heard about Treaty 8 receiving their settlement money through the Agricultural Benefits specific claim (cows and plows), I wondered when the same would happen for us in the Treaty 6 territory. I knew, from what I heard, that there would be court proceedings happening, before a settlement could be made.

Amazon CanadaAmazon USA

I am going to show you a bit of history, but briefly because I do not want to bore anybody with a lesson or lecture. As you can see from the map, both Treaty 6 and 8 are right next to each other in Alberta, they are also both in Saskatchewan, separated by Treaty 10. Okay, that is done, if you want to learn more, please take the time to do some research, as it is very important to all First Nations.

Map of Numbered Treaties of Canada. Borders are approximated.

According to a Feb 21, 2023 update on the Lac La Ronge Indian Band website, regarding the Agricultural Benefits Committee (ABC):

As the 2023 LLRIB Elections are fast approaching, all Council business will be tabled until after the LLRIB Elections. This will not have an impact on LLRIB’s agricultural benefits claim, as we are still waiting for Canada to make its own internal preparations for negotiations (LLRIB.COM).

Personally, I wish the federal government would just hurry the heck up. They should own up to their past promises and get it over and done with. There are many band members who are struggling with finances, and money from a cows and plows settlement, would hopefully be substantial enough to get many of us out of debt.

I have not been out of debt since high school, and I want to feel like I am in high school again. I realize that it is basically a “failed promise to provide cattle and agricultural equipment,” but I would rather take the money because I am not sure what I would do with a cow, or even a plow, for that matter.

As I mentioned earlier, Treaty 8 has already settled many claims. In 2019, Treaty 8 members, specifically Members of the K’atl’odeeche First Nation (KFN) near Hay River, N.W.T., each received $30,000. In 2021, Clearwater River Dene Nation members, received a payment of $44,000 each. This was big news for many First Nations across Canada. As of “January 31, 2023, 646 specific claims, totalling $11.3 billion in compensation, have been resolved” (Canada.ca).

$30, 000 to $40, 000, I really wish our settlement is near that amount. I can only speak for myself on these matters and cannot make assumptions on how my follow members would spend their money. I am sure many would not spend it wisely. On the other hand, there are many industrious people that would do great things for themselves and their families, and maybe even their community.

I realize that since I am the one who updates my band’s website, that I should probably know more than I am letting on. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not in the meetings or negotiations, I merely wait for the update to be sent to me, so that I can update the website with the information. If anything, I probably have a 15 to 30 minute heads up before the membership, depending on how much information there is to share. Just an FYI, I will update the LLRIB website day or night, weekday or weekend to give such vital info to our membership, as long as I am in front of a computer to do so (I will need to be awake too).

There is much information out there and I am sure there are better explanations that I can give. It is a huge undertaking for an individual to get to the bottom of such a topic, but I hope the settlement can be resolved soon so we can all move on.

Cows and Plows have been discussed many times in the media and on social media pages:

Facebook: Tammy Cook-Searson (August 19, 2019) – – UPDATE ON TREATY 6 AGRICULTURAL BENEFITS (“COWS & PLOWS)

LLRIB.COM (February 21, 2023) – Update on the Agricultural Benefits Claim (“Cows and Plows”)

Cold Lake First Nation (No Date on Post) – Agricultural Benefits (Cows and Plows) Specific Claim Community Update

La Ronge NOW (March 6, 2023) – LLRIB provides update on agricultural benefits claim

MBC Radio (June 13, 2023) – LLRIB updates Cows and Plows negotiations

MBC Radio (March 7, 2023) – Canada delays LLRIB Cows and Plows negotiations

The Star Phoenix (July 3, 2020) – Lac La Ronge Indian Band pushes to speed treaty claim

Treaty 7: Windspeaker (December 21st, 2021) – Blood member wants entire ‘cows and plows’ settlement divided evenly among members


CTV News saskatoon (June 2, 2021) – Long awaited’ $122.3M settlement paid to members of Clearwater River Dene Nation

CBC.CA (July 19,2023) – After more than 100 years, gov’t makes good on Treaty 8 promise to N.W.T. First Nation

CANADA.CA (February 27, 2023) – Kapawe’no First Nation and Canada settle Treaty 8 Agricultural Benefits specific claim

When will I get my Cows and Plows money
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