This COVID-19 virus has been growing in leaps and bounds in Northern Saskatchewan. It has come close to home and there was even a suspected case yesterday at a local COOP Gas Bar in La Ronge. It turned out to be negative but it put quite the scare on many people in my home community of Hall Lake, which is about 100 KM from La Ronge.
I had actually stopped at the gas bar on May 1st to grab some snacks and refreshments before I took my family home. This suspected case of COVID-19, closed the gas bar on May 6th. It is hard to say when the employee had the symptoms or if the employee was even at the gas bar when I was there.
I kept my fears and anxiety from my family because I had a speech made up where I would tell them that we had to hope for the best and hopefully my wife and I did not get the virus. While we did not wear masks, we are diligent with hand sanitizer and washing our hands. Keeping the distance of 2 metres is followed.
It turns out it a false alarm, I breathed a sigh of relief. I do not know how I would handle it if my daughters or my wife were infected. Of course I would try to stay strong and hope for the best. As a diabetic, the virus would be more harmful to my health and possibly be fatal.
I live a sheltered live, I don’t really go anywhere and stay at home to work on projects on my computer. I have been working on a website for my education department, where all the teachers would have a portal to reach out to their students and their guardians. Before this, I stumbling through lessons and having disciplinary problems I had trouble handling. I am not a disciplinarian. Online teaching might be my forte. While I am not thriving as a classroom teacher, I am getting better at finding ways to teach with all the online resources I didn’t know existed. Mircosoft Teams, G Suite and many others, are there and are being utilized by the LLRIB education department. I am right there with them and I am honoured to be part of a great team.
I have been updating my bands website with news on the COVID-19 and Band elections which are happening this month. It has distracted me from my real work but I hope a compromise can be worked out where I can do both effectively. I am waiting for decisions to be made on that, so I will just leave it.
I will post more later, I will keep you posted. Have a great day.
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