November 2019, is the most most successful month for this website. A total of 3457 views and 2018 visitors altogether.
The year 2019, saw 23, 256 views and 14, 206 visitors. More than tripling 2018, in both views and visitors.
Many countries have visited my website. The list is impressive but I am sure that many hits are by accident, especially from the countries overseas.
My Facebook likes have climbed from 100 in November 2018, to 1800 in November 2019. The First Nation Stories Facebook page (
It has been a great year for the First Nation Stories brand and I hope it continues for the New Year!
From the words of Cree Teacher, Simon Bird – kinanāskomitin = I thank you/I am thankful for you/I am grateful for you (#CreeSimonSays).