Category Archives: Cree

Cree language words with translation

ī – miskwamīwik mīskanaw – The road is icy.

Past my vehicle, the driveway looks very dangerous,  I just have to be careful.

ī – miskwamīwik mīskanaw – The road is icy.

aswīthihta īkā kita sōskopathīyin miskwamīhk – Be careful not to slip on the ice.


Source – 

I slipped on the icy driveway – ī – sōskopathiyān ita kā miskwamīwik mīskanās

I slipped under my vehicle today, hurt my shins, but it’s all good.

ī – sōskopathiyān ita kā miskwamīwik mīskanās – I slipped on the icy driveway (small road/trail)

Source – 


tihkisiw kōna – The snow is melting

I stepped out and took this picture of my backyard.

tihkisiw kōna / kōna  tihkisiw – The snow is melting

ī – namihtāt atim – a dog has left tracks

nōkwan thīkaw – the sand is showing


Source – 

Blurb about my Storytelling and nimosōm – My Grandfather

nimosōm – my grandfather used to tell me so many stories about people that lived here or near here. He was a great storyteller and may have taken many liberties with the details. I loved to hear those stories and made my imagination very active with thought and wonder. I give credit to those stories to the storytelling I do with this website, passing on a tradition in a modern way. I also used to tell stories to my children off the top of my head, just to entertain them. I have forgotten more stories than I have on this website.

I remember one story about Hall Lake, where he told me that when he arrived on the lake from a portage, he heard a moose splashing around the shore of the lake. He went further and heard another moose going into the lake in another part of the lake. He heard one more near the mouth of one of the rivers, we have two but he didn’t say which one. I could not imagine that happening in this day and age, nor the time he was telling me the story because there were already many houses and people on the reserve. By the way, Hall Lake in Cree, is mōso-sākahikanisīsihk, according to my late grandfather.

Hall Lake – mōso-sākahikanisīsihk

nimosōm  – my grandfather





Thank you for reading my stories

Since November of 2018, views and visitors have gone way up for my website. It all started with stories about nimosōm – my grandfather.

Please visit us on Facebook –

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First Nations Unity Day – November 12

Cree audio after the image. First Nations Unity is observed in Saskatchewan on November 12, a day after Remembrance Day.

To remember those who fought and those who fell
Kita kiskisīyāhk aniki kākī nōtinikīcik ikwa aniki kākī pahkisīkwāw


Pixabay – 



Tatanka wrestles – Tatanka māsihkīw

Cree audio at bottom of page. I hope I get to see this guy wrestle someday.

Thx to for posting! TV cameras at the event Fri night plus we filmed a movie trailer the following day with…

Posted by Tatanka on Monday, November 11, 2019

Tatanka māsihkīw – Tatanka wrestles

māsihkīwin – wrestling

omāsihkīw – wrestler

māsihkī – (you) wrestle, as in a command.

Trees in Woodland Cree

These are the local trees we have in the La Ronge and Hall Lake areas. I am sure there are many more types that I have left out.

mistik – tree

mistikwak – trees


balsam fir – napakāsiht
birch – waskway
black popular – māthimītos
black spruce – itināhtik
jack pine – oskāhtak
red willow – mithkwāpīmak
tamarack – wākinākan
white popular – mītos
white spruce – minahik
willow – nīpisiy

Thank you for visiting, if you see a mistake, please let me know and I will do what I can to fix it.

I took most of the pictures myself over the years, birch and tamarack were downloaded from Pixabay



Remembrance Day – kanokiskisiwinikīsikāw (A day to keep remembering)

I learned this Cree word from the



LLRIB Learn Cree website

Pixabay website